5 Tips For Grooming Your Senior Dog at Home

grooming senior dog

As your dog gets older, the grooming needs of senior dogs can change. This is especially true if you have a non-shedding breed that requires frequent grooming. As they age, you may notice they have stiff joints with less mobility, develop skin conditions, and have a harder time standing for long. It is important to consider these points when grooming your senior pet. Here is a list of grooming tips for your senior dog:

Grooming Senior Dog

1. There are a few things you can do to make sure your pet is comfortable and safe during brushing sessions. You can use a soft towel or blanket for them to lie on or find space on your couch or bed before starting.

2. It’s important to choose the right brush for their skin. As dogs get older and their skin loses elasticity, they may develop tender lumps or bumps that can easily be scratched with a slicker brush. There are softer brushes like a rounded pin brush that help to loosen any tangles and distribute their natural oils throughout their coat without harming the skin.

3. The best way to keep your senior pet happy and content is by limiting the time you spend on their grooming. Brushing sessions should be kept short—less than 10 minutes a day. You can work in one section each day. For example, starting with their head and face on one day, and working on their front feet the next day. If your dog doesn’t have very many tangles or matting, you may complete their brushing session in 10 minutes!

4. Senior dog’s nails grow quicker and can become quite long. As they take fewer walks and more time sleeping, you may notice their nails clicking on the floor. It can cause pain when they walk or stand if the nails become too long, so it’s best to trim the tips at least once a week. Long toenails can impede walking or standing, so please trim them as soon as you notice them.

5. Frequently examine your pet either during or in between their brushing sessions. It’s important to pay attention to their ears and eyes for signs of infection, their teeth and gums for inflammation and plaque build-up, and their sanitary areas for cleanliness. You may notice that some conditions worsen quickly as they age, so it’s best to catch them early on.

Grooming sessions are an excellent way for owners to bond with their senior dogs as well, noting any changes in behavior or appearance that may occur. This could warn them about potential issues before they become serious problems! We recommend a short and easy-to-maintain hairstyle for senior dogs, so they do not need to come in for grooming as frequently as when they were young pups. Removing matting on older dogs can also add unnecessary stress, so it’s best to keep them short before any matting can form. If you have a senior dog, ask one of our knowledgeable groomers for the best solutions to keep them comfortable!

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