Dandelions Are Our Friends: Beware of Weedless Lawn


Dandelions are Our Friends

Getting with the weather warming up, the sun shining brightly, and the days get longer, we're all enjoying the beautiful long walks with our dogs. After this long lockdown, we all need an excuse to leave the house and our dogs give us just that. Though it's nice to walk on fresh green grass, we'd like to warn you about the potential dangers.

Has your dog ever had teary, bloodshot, and squinty eyes after a walk? Maybe you've even noticed some lethargy. This happened to my dog Sakura recently. I was anxious! When we took her to the vet, we were told it may be an allergic reaction to pesticides and weed killer spray. The vet advised us to stay away from weedless lawns and to try and go for walks in the evenings instead of during the day.

These sprays are being used in many lawns and some parks around the GTA, so we recommend walking on the grass where you can see dandelions growing. It's a good sign that no weed killers are being used. If you see grass that is green and weed-free, it would be best to avoid these lawns if your dog is sensitive.

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